Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show  

Posted by BB in

Alright, so this episode has some startling earth shaking news! well not really. It WILL change the way things work around here though. Stay tuned to the next episode for more on how this will all shake out. Meantime enjoy the final episode completely overflowing with questions!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show 4.3!  

Posted by BB in

Sorry for the day wait here it is 4.3! Questions as well as overall title of the week for 6/17/09!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum Episode 4.2  

Posted by BB in

Here is episode 4.2! This wraps up the reviews portion and also has the best of the week selections for 6/17/09. And yes I noticed the end credits the addy for the blog is misspelled. Did that real quick. Poorly Edited is what it says right? Well that's what I give. :)

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show  

Posted by BB in

Episode 4.1 has arrived! Michael Jackson, Transformers 2, and comic book reviews. Kind of a nice assortment today huh? Do try and avoid sticking a knife into an electrical socket after watching this. It's bad but is it really that bad?

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show 3.3  

Posted by BB in

Alright, here is 3.3! It wraps the episode up with a few more questions and answers as well as some other odds and ends. Next week we'll be back on track with the episodes and in the mean time we'll do some blogging as well. So enjoy and sorry for the nosebleeds!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show 3.2!  

Posted by BB in

Here's part two of episode three ladies and gentlemen. Do be warned though side effects include, bleeding eyes, lack of laughter, terrible gas and some squirts. Otherwise enjoy!

100 Posts!  

Posted by BB in

Holy Shit! Never thought i'd get to 100 posts let alone have this evolve the way it has into being predominately a weekly video program that is nearing 1,000 views. Good stuff. I'd like to thank all of you that torture your bleeding eyes by watching me make a fool of myself for your pleasure. I'd be lying if I said I didn't appreciate seeing all the comments and receiving the questions. So thank you and to persuade you from encouraging my ass to do another 100 posts I present to you Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show Episode 3.1!

Thanks again everyone and stay tuned tomorrow for episode 3.2

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show!  

Posted by BB in

The fourth and final part of episode 2 has arrived! Find out who won for Best Writing and Overall Title for the week of 6/3/09! Also, questions and answers! So what are you waiting for? Hit the play button already!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show 2.3!  

Posted by BB in

So here is episode 2.3! This one wraps up the reviews and starts us on the best of stuff. You'll get the Best Cover and Best Arting of the week (6/3/09) right here!

Come by the same Burp place at the same Burp time and i'll have 2.4 up. It will include Best Writing and Overall Title of the week for 6/3/09 as well as a question for me and a question for you! So don't miss it! Lots of!!!!!!!!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show 2.2!  

Posted by BB in

Episode 2.2 away! So this portion is mostly reviews and me drop kicking hookers. Well, one of those does not occur but maybe it would help get me some hits so i'll look into it. Anywho...2.3 will be up tomorrow and it starts us out on the best of the best as it pertains to titles I picked up on 6/3/09. So stay tuned tomorrow for Best writing, Best Cover, Best Arting and Best Overall Title for that week. I look forward to coming onto your screen and sharing some time with you. We don't get enough time together don't you agree? Well damn it we don't. Hugs and kisses.

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show 2.1!  

Posted by BB in

Alright, here we go Inmates! Episode 2 is live and ready to go. This first part has some opinions on Marvel rumors as well as a few reviews of titles released last week. So enjoy and come back tomorrow for part two which will include more reviews.

P.S. This weeks show clocks in at around 40mins so there will actually be 4 parts!

Pull List Tuesday!  

Posted by BB in

Well today is Tuesday so here is my pull list for this week. Whats everyone else out there got?

At the suggestion of one my subscribers on YouTube I may check these two Avatar titles out:

Absolution #0 - Going with this solely based on the cover looking sweet and it costing under $2.00. Not sure but I figure i'll thumb through it.

Anna Mercury 2 #1 - I heard good things about the first Anna Mercury so interested to see what it is all about.

Then the rest as usual:

Batman #687 - As one of the few people who actually enjoyed Judd Winick's last run on Batman I will be picking this up for sure. Should be fun to see him write Dick in the batsuit. That is Dick Grayson, not a dick on the suit. Not like the nipples in the Schumaker movies.

Booster Gold #21 - Think i'm reaching the end of the road with this title. I have a feeling it might get canceled soon though so i'd hate to quit if it's going under anyway. Still haven't read the last issue so maybe it is better than it was two months ago...

Flash: Rebirth #3 -Interested to see if the cliffhanger from last issue is going to stick. I highly doubt it will. If it does stick is this like Hal/Spectre to anyone else?

Green Lantern Corps #37 - Looking forward to this. We're getting so close to Blackest Night I can feel the wood in my pants growing. Fangasm coming soon!

JSA vs Kobra #1 - Not sure if i'm going to get this but it has the JSA so I have a hard time not getting it. Also, the Kobra one-shot it feeds out of was kind of fun.

Red Robin #1 - Christopher Yost with Tim running around as Red Robin? Yes please! How many more teens can Yost kill? I hope the answer is many more cause that formula works for him. Tim looking for Bruce around the world should be a blast.

Amazing Spider-Man #597 - American Son has been a fun run so i'm looking forward to seeing where this whole Harry in a Iron Man style armor is going.

Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter #1: Beta Ray Bill what else needs to be said?!

Deadpool #11 - Another title I was enjoying a lot more at its start but now find only so-so. Would like this title to stop crossing over and guest starring other characters in other titles. Let's get more Deadpool running amuck please.

Fantastic Four #567 - This story has sucked. Period. Completest.

Uncanny X-Men #511 - The end of a terrible arc. It has to get better right? At least we get a fucking break from Land. Thank Odin's Fuckin' Beard!

Uncanny X-Men First Class Special - Looking forward to this as we make the transition to the All New All Different X-Men in the First Class series. Skottie Young cover is awesome!

War of Kings: Savage World of Skaar - I think this is the end of it all for Planet Skaar which makes me sad and seems like a huge waste. I have loved the adventures on that planet and will be there for the end for sure.

Wolverine #74 - Loved the first part of this and I am looking forward to more Adam Kubert Wolvie. Interested to see if the initial story sticks with the daily format or where it will go from there.

X-Factor #44 - Great title if you aren't picking it up correct that shit Inmates. With the ending we got last week this should be some fun at least for fun nostalgic sakes.

X-Men Forever #1 -Speaking of nostalgic fun this title is all about that. I love me some Claremont X-Men. When I first got into the X-Men it was through the cartoon and that was about the time Claremont was doing the first 3 issues of X-Men with Jim Lee. So this will continue where I began my X-Men reading. This excites me greatly and makes me feel like i'm in 4th grade again! Time to bust out the Spider-Man marshmallow cereal and X-Men fruit snacks! The kind with the white and red Gambit ace of spades card shapes! If you know what i'm talking about then you are super cool too!

So that is my lsit for this week. What do you hae on it Inmates? What's your meds for the week?

The Burpee List  

Posted by BB in

I decided that there is a lot of things I want to see happen in comics. I realized this after reading the newest issue of Ultimate Spider-Man. I had strong feelings about the way that series ended but I noticed many others did so I didn't feel like beating a dead horse. Well not too much anyway. So instead I decided to make a list of things i'd love to see happen and here is the first of many.

The return of Maggott
: I really want to see this character come back. I know he isn't fandoms favorite and probably not even ten peoples favorite but Maggott was a character I really enjoyed. I thought he had an awesome aesthetic and a really twisted and unique power. A character that I thought for sure would have been an awesome memeber of Grant Morrison's New X-Men run. Unfortunately, he got a lame death off panel in the mutant concentration camp in the old Weapon X title. A death that was never even brought up by the other X-Men he served with. So that kind of sucked to me.

How do you bring back a character who is dead though? Well, shit people! Dead characters come back all the time. This character especially has a built in easy return. He left one of his two maggot's, either Eenie or Meenie, to a young boy. I always thought it would have been cool to have the left over maggot, which was Maggott's internal stomach and digestive system essentially, turn into a fly that then lays an egg that is the reborn Maggott character. It would be creepy and nasty and oh so much fun. Then Maggott of course would have two new Maggott's for a digestive system. He would also lose the accent which writers stated they had too much of a problem with.

I always imagined this story would be a twisted ride and a decent hit with me writing it. If Marvel wanted it to be a mega hit they could put a big name behind it like Grant Morrison, Garth Ennis or Warren Ellis any of these writers could do this story as twisted as it needs to be done for it to work. On art I would either put Frank Quietly or Jerome Opena as I think either of these guys could knock this project out of the park.

Lastly and most importantly I would make this mini a MAX title. Give it to any of the above mentioned guys and let them run wild with a metal maggot that turns into a fly and then leaves an egg that hatches a mutant who then has two metal maggots burst through his chest to find food that they then bring back to him by diving back into his chest. If that doesn't grab yout as a weird enough it could be awesome as a MAX title I am not sure what will.

Anyway, that is but the first on a list of things I want to see happen in comics before I die. What else is on the list? Join me every Monday to see more of The Burpee List!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The weekly Show 1.3!  

Posted by BB in

Here is the third and final part of the first of the weekly episodes. This last part is different from the first and a little slower but important none the less as it gives you the ability to let me know how you'd like this show to shape up.Next weeks should be 200% better and I hope you'll come back to see how this develops. To all of you that have given this a try and gotten behind it I appreciate it and look forward to doing more of these! Also, get those questions in if you want them answered.

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show episode 1.2  

Posted by BB in

Here is part two of the new Burpee's Comic Book Asylum Show! Also, I have been sufficiently convinced not to name the show. It will be hence forth simply be called Burpee's Comic Book Asylum or, if you like, Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Show. Lastly, I am really getting the format nailed down so look forward to next weeks as it will be cleaner and less helter skelter! Yay!

Enjoy! Or puke your choice!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The Weekly Show  

Posted by BB in

Here is part one of the new Burpee's Comic Book Asylum Show! Thinking it may need a name. Any suggestions let me have them. Can't guarantee i'll use it but feel free. Enjoy part one! Or use it for purposes of torture. Your call!

Burpee's Comic Book Asylum The weekly Show!  

Posted by BB in

Well, as the title tells you were going weekly show style. In a site with no consistency lets see if we can provide some! From here on out the weekly video reviews will now transform into a weekly 30 min show that will come out on Thursdays! It will be broken into 3 parts and will be released with Part 1 hitting Thursdays, Part 2 on Fridays and the final part coming on Saturdays. Each segment will be roughly 10 minutes.

The show will take some time to really get a groove but when it does it should be a lot of fun. It will have a Q&A segment, reviews, best of's, commentary on comics and products related to comics and a whole lot more. So stay tuned the first one will hit in a few!

As for the rest of the blog I am thinking of doing daily topics such as Classic Comic Mondays or something of the sort. So with videos airing Thurs-Sat I would just have written blogs Sunday through Wednesday. So i'll get the topics locked down and then pass them on your way. Should be getting crazy around here soon so sit back with a tasty beverage and watch the sparks fly. Hopefully we don't go down like the Hindenburg.

Comics For This Week...  

Posted by BB in

Here are the titles on my pull list and some thoughts on them.

Batman and Robin #1 - Probably the title I am most excited for this week. Love the pairing of Morrison and Quietly and can't wait to see what they do here. Coming off an instantly classic run on All-Star Superman they have a lot to live up to but I really think they can do it. This title should be an instant divider amongst Bat fans. Based on art it seems they will go more campy and outlandish than what most Bat titles have been in the last two decades and this may piss some off but for me I am actually looking forward to it. For those who are pissed remember this is comics and it's all cyclical.

Secret Six #10 - What can I say this title has been excellent as of late. Last issue gave us RagRobin and I can't wait to see what this issue brings us. Hopefully more disturbingly appealing things!

Superman: The World of New Krypton #4 - Green Lanterns! Other than that I could care less for this title if it was handing out blowjobs.

Amazing Spider-Man #596 - Normie as one of his Father's pet Avengers? Normie a new father? Aunt May engaged? There is a lot going on here and all of it is some serious fun. Can't wait for this title as usual.

Astonishing Tales #5 - Looking forward to Wolvie and Punisher story as well as Mojo. Arno Stark though is a sack of shit and I hope he dies at the end of this story. Is this the last issue with Arno? By Odin's beard I sure hope so!

Captain Britain and MI:13 Annual - First and only annual for this title. I am sure it will be as good as the title but it's sad knowing it's almost done. Having said that this is a great issue cause it is basically a bonus issue for fans of the title!

Dark Avengers #5 - I go back and forth on this title. For 3.99 I really feel this title needs to bring a little bit more to the table than it does. Last issue was a little more fun than the rest but I still am not sold. Well I guess I might be cause I am purchasing it.

Deadpool: Suicide Kings #3 - Not sure how I feel about this title cause all the issues that have come out so far are chillin like a villain in my pull box still. Maybe pick this up on Friday when I get my first summer check.

Exiles #3 - Maggott was in the last issue so i'm still riding that high. This issue has a lot to live up to after last issues inclusion of Maggott so we'll just have to see what happens.

Mighty Avengers #25 - Last issue was the first issue since Slott took over that I actually enjoyed the title. I must say I am anxiously awaiting Thor's inclusion in this title. No he hasn't been announced as being an upcoming member or even a guest appearance but with Loki pulling strings here it is only a matter of time before ole' Goldilocks comes looking to beat some bitches up!

New Avengers: The Reunion #4 - Another title that has every issue chillin in my pull box. Can't say much but that I am interested in checking out the dynamic they set up between the two main characters.

New Mutants #2 - Loved the first issue and am uber stoked for this next issue. Legion! Last time I read something with Legion in it I was just getting into X-Men and the Age of Apocolypse was launching so based on my love for the AOA I have love for Legion.

Skaar: Son of Hulk #11 - Love this title but I fear it is about to head into a downward spiral as Skaar comes to Earth. If i'm wrong I am stoked if not well I could stand to save some money here so either way a win win for the Burpee!

Ultimate Spider-Man #133 - Expect a decent sized review on this one after tomorrow. This is the title that got me into Spider-Man along with JMS's run. Before that I had heard so much about clones and nasties like that so I dared not enter the Spidey universe other than enjoying the awesome 90's cartoon. Really hoping this is a great issue and that when it relaunches it's worth sticking around for.

Ultimatum #4 - I actually have been really enjoying this. Like Ult. Spidey I am still waiting to see if this is a great jumping off point or the beginning of a new friendship for me and the Ultimate Universe that has felt a little stagnant of recent.

War of Kings #4 - This has been very meh for me. Hope it picks up or I may be nearing my end on some of the cosmic Marvel stuff. We shall see.

So what's on your list?!



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