Comic Pull List For 4/8/09  

Posted by BB in

This is what I have on my pull list for this week. Some will end up in my box due to lack of funds as has been consistent since the volcano decided to jack up the hotel occupancy thus jacking up my wallets occupancy. Anyway though....


Batman: Battle For The Cowl #2 - Hoping it looks as Jim Lee like as the last one. Hopefully it can accomplish a quarter of what it had setup last issue cause there is way too much going on to be just wrapped up in the third issue.
Booster Gold #19 - Probably gonna box it. Sad to say but true.
Green Lantern #39 - The mother load this week son! Can't fucking wait!
Secret Six #8 - Another box candidate.
Superman The World of New Krypton #2 - Not sure but probably boxing this bitch.


Captain Britain and MI:13 #12 - Great title and now it has Doom and Dracula hells to the yeah!
Deadpool: Suicide Kings One-Shot - Not sure if i'll be getting this. Need to take a peak under the cover first to be sold.
Exiles #1 - Don't screw this one up Marvel. The first was so damn cool. The last was utter trash on top of a pile of shit on top of baby diapers exploding with baby feces. Yes...that bad!
Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk #4 - Lenil Yu is the only thing keeping me going on this one.
Wolverine: Weapon X #1 - Another Wolverine title? Ok, but only cause I am a moron and I buy stuff like this when there is better stuff out there.

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