
Welcome to the Nuthouse!  

Posted by BB in , , , , ,

So this is the inaugural post to Burpee's Comic Book Nuthouse. To those wondering what a Burpee is I have an answer. It is my last name and it is what my friends refer to me as. If you are reading this page you are a friend so feel free to call me Burpee, or whatever else you want cause I don't care.

About me and why you care to be here: My name is Burpee and I am a comic reader first and foremost. I have been reading comics now for 17 years and basically learned to read thanks to Batman and DC comics. I have a collection of comics that is now over the 6,000 mark and I read just about everything coming out of the big two and pick up about 17-24 comics on average a week from my LCS. Unfortunately this also means I read a lot of Crap and yes that is with a capitol C. I consider myself more a Marvel guy whose first love was Batman and the Joker from DC. I started to get on board with DC more in recent years but WOW then I read Final Crisis. WHAT A MESS! (Anyway I digress much like a Morrison issue of Final Crisis) So now I find myself shifting back to being a Marvelite guy yet again.
Comics I currently read are too numerous to bother listing here but on my short list of current faves I would have to go with New Avengers, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corp, Deadpool, Umbrella Academy, Amazing Spider-Man (I know Brand New Day was supposed to suck and they got rid of MJ boohoo article for another day), Incognito, Thor, plus some other stuff I know I'm forgetting but who cares, right?
Anyway you're here for comics and reviews and oddball comments not my history. Just wanted to build a bridge between us so we can share this padded cell together. You know? So what should you expect from this blog? I intend to build up comics I enjoy and share my opinions with you and slam down comics I just can't take. I also will do some reviews on characters and discuss just general comic industry news. Maybe go a little deeper into the rabbit hole than the superficial news like creative team announcements. Maybe delve into what these things might mean for a title or what they should mean. Mostly though this is gonna be fun. If I start having less fun I'll pull the plug quicker than you can say Grandma just signed over all her money to you. So stick around and frequent if you want to see something different than your standard comic site.



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