Few Things...
Posted by BB in Anchorage, Comics, Volcanoes
Alright so the comic gods have decided to grant me my books today. Despite volcano ash and downed flights coming into Anchorage, Alaska comics have arrived! So hopefully in the near future I can get some features up.
Next, I put up a poll on the side. I know it is difficult to read but I have no clue how to change the color of the font on the stupid thing. So it is what it is. If everyone could take the time to vote it would be a big help. Trying to decide what features should stay and which should go in favor of new stuff.
Lastly, I am thinking of adding a weekly video feature to the blog. Haven't nailed down 100% what it would involve but would love some input on what you Inmates would like to see. So those 5 of you that come here let me know!
Alright keep checking back and we'll talk some fucking comics!