Quick Reviews!
Posted by BB in Captain America, Daredevil, Hulk, New Avengers, Thunderbolts, Wolverine, X-Men
I figured why not do some quick reviews on stuff that came out this week as well as stuff I finally got out of my pull box called Limbo. So here we go!
Ms. Marvel #37 - Eh...not much here worth gushing over that's for sure. Probably one of my least favorite of the run. Plus come on Carol is as dead as Batman, Elvis and Tupac. Art was not very good either. Hopefully this is going somewhere better. D-
Guardians of the Galaxy #11 - Story was alright. The philosophical waxing was the best part. Loved Drax's explanation of how the Marvel Universe works basically. Pretty cool. Art was weak. C
X-Infernus #4 - Some great Nightcrawler in here. Variant cover with Illyana is gorgeous! Didn't mind the art but nothing I would write home from the Asylum about. Some development with Pixie and the not so surprise return of a chick whose brother calls her Snowflake. Fun read but nothing monumental. C+
Skaar Son of Hulk #9 - Again this title doesn't disappoint. Good art made great by the inkers and colorists. Pak does a great job with the story and leaves us with an ending that should take better pay off and be more than a shock ending that falls flatter than the Silver Surfer's board. B
Thunderbolts #130 - Didn't mind it as a Deadpool comic. The problem is this is a Thunderbolts comic. So while I was hoping for a Thunderbolts comic with a much edgier but yet deranged Deadpool I instead received a dumbass TBolts team who came across as way to comical for them to be taken serious when this whole thing is over. D
X-Men: Kingbreaker #4 - Awesome mini that serves as a great lead in to War of Kings. Everything here was top notch from words to pictures. Only thing lacking here for me was the cover. Didn't dig it too much at all. I would love to see the same team do a Starjammers book when War of Kings is finished. Oh and where oh where did that damned Phoenix Force soar off to? That should be interesting. A
Dardevil: Man Without Fear #116 - Brubaker + Aja = please sir may I have another. This team should make books forever. This is a Miller/Hitch combo IMHO. Their Iron Fist was spectacular and so was this. This is one of the first DD books I have ever purchased and I will be coming back. I know Aja isn't the regular artist but that's cool they hooked me for an arc at least. I also know Brubaker is leaving but we will deal with that when the time comes. Kingpin I feel bad for you brotha I really do. Now it's time for that sweet sweet revenge. A
X-Force/Cable Messiah War One-Shot - This was a mixed bag. Did a great job of setting the event up through recap and the action was great. The Bishop and Stryfe stuff to me was just lame ass. Did not enjoy that interpretation of Stryfe at all. Maybe I missed something here but since when is Stryfe a mix of Gambit and Wolverine. Hanging out in a bar after killing everyone and then just acting charming instead of psycho crazy ass regal like?! Blah! Bishop also is getting a weak rap here and coming off more and more like a lame ass D-List villian. The hint at the return of Apocalypse was sooooo enticing though! C+
Captain America #48 - Good stuff. Wrapped this arc up nicely. This was my least favorite arc during Brubaker's run but this was the best issue of it by far. I actually quite enjoyed it. Wish the arc would have been this good. The stuff at the end with Black Widow and Bucky Cap and Namor had way too much cheese factor for me though. B
New Avengers #51 - Wasn't a fan of all the art changes. Bachalo's stuff was my least favorite part of this issue. The stuff with Spidey unmasking AGAIN was done well but still was lame. I really thought he might leave i'm gonna be honest. I would have probably prefered it. It kind of invalidates a lot of what has happened since Brand New Day. That statement might endear itself to some though I realize this. The leadership stuff was good though I did dig Luke leading. Oh and an we make Dr. Strange the wicked badass he is again soon. Please? C+
Wolverine Origins #34 - Cool cover and great art. Writing wasn't too shabby either. Overall I enjoyed this for what it was which was a lot of action as this arc comes to the end next issue. Wasn't a huge fan of all the X-Men getting their asses handed to them by Daken though. I mean I know Marvel is building him up but at what expense? C+