Two Big Disappointments
Posted by BB in Exiles, Wolverine: Weapon X
Alright so this week marked the release of two titles that I really hoped would be good despite a bad feeling I had about both of them. Those titles are the relaunch of Exiles and the first issue of Wolverine: Weapon X. Both titles had great potential but neither came through for me at all.
First off is Exiles #1 this is the start of what was supposed to be an Exiles relaunch bringing Blink back into the fold. In interviews i've read with writer Jeff Parker he has stated that this would indeed be the Blink that was the leader of the Exiles in the first series. This is clearly not the case when you read the issue. This Blink has no clue what the Talus is and no recognition of Morph or the timebroker concept.
This could end up being the same Blink with some kind of memory loss but that would be a cheap cop out. Something is surly not what it seems when it comes to this Blink. If you notice she is the only one who does not get a back story and near death. She is just there in the field with the rest of them when Morph lays out the premise of the title for them. So I will implore a wait and see mentality because the last page was pretty damn cool but Marvel has really missed a great opportunity here to return this title to its original greatness.
Wolverine: Weapon X i'm sad to say disappointed me as well. The fact that Jason Aaron has been writing a stellar Ghost Rider title and also wrote the fan favorite Wolverine arc "Get Mystique" left me feeling like this had great potential. It still may get better but as of now this title is pretty sub par in the quality department.
The dialogue was pretty atrocious. In particular the train scene was miserable. Wolverine cuts a guys hand off and he says, "I'm going to lay down now" or something of that sort? Come on that's a Deadpool comic not a Wolverine comic.
Also, Aaron's interpretation of the character of Wolverine here was terrible. It seems like he thinks Logan is Hancock with claws. Passed out on a train and going way over the top to stop a mugging. A factor that seems to be truly lost on writers anymore is that Wolverine is a noble character. He doesn't just chop muggers hands off and then roll on. I mean that guy probably bled to death and Wolverine just moved along. Just ridiculous on top of ridiculous here.
One up side for the Wolverine: Weapon X title is that artist Ron Garney must be a fan of the 90's cartoon as Wolverine in his civvies was decked out in the same outfit that Wolverine from the cartoon wore consistently throughout the series. That I appreciated. ;)
Anyone else read these and find themselves less than satisfied? Neither was terrible but neither met expectations. Let me know what you think Inmates.