Insane Afterthoughts #2
Posted by BB in Insane Afterthoughts
So here are my insane afterthoughts of the titles I have read recently. Sorry these were kinda infrequent, not that anyone really noticed i'm sure, but here are the newest batch.
Kick-Ass #6 - This is one title that I feel is getting better every issue. Kinda saw the ending coming but not because it was easily expected but instead because of the superb art. In the panel where Kick-Ass leaves the car of Red Mist you can read the betrayal all over Red Mists face. Also quite enjoyable was the origin of Big Daddy and Hit-Girl. That was some twisted shit that as a parent is so appalling to me that it draws my ass right in. B
X-Factor #42 - Peter David continues this great arc that is keeping fans of the title waiting for more shock endings and awesome plot twists. I am really digging the future time line that seems to be in thick of the Summers Rebellion that has long been hinted at in the X-Titles. The last page was both unexpected and also kind of odd looking. Is that Fryer Tuck in the last page with a metal arm? Oh wait no that's....B+
Immortal Iron Fist #25 - One more to go in this arc and it has been a fun one. This romp through the 8th City has shown us some crazy Immortal Weapons brawls and now in this issue we get Iron Fist vs Iron Fist. Well after the initial fight we do anyway. This series is doing a great job of building a mythology around it that makes it compelling and important to fans which should help it to stick around. B+
Dark Reign: The Cabal - This was a sweet mix of stories that involve villainous dreams and recaps of characters histories. The best one of the group by far is the initial story that takes place in Dr. Doom's imagination as it runs wild dissecting and destroying the other members of the cabal and the world leading to Doom being supreme ruler. B -
Mighty Avengers #24 - This issue was much better than the previous ones in my opinion. I really disliked the initial arc but the art is much more enjoyable and the writing seems more fluid in this issue. Perhaps Slott has hit his stride or maybe I just needed to be warmed up to the title itself. Either way this title went from being an issue away from being dropped to back on the pull list. C+
Dark Avengers #4 - Alright so I know this title is called DARK Avengers but man I really am getting worn out by the ridiculously dark art. The inking and shading are just so dark I feel like I need to turn on the fucking light just to see it. Would it hurt to use a little less ink? The stuff with the Sentry was killer. The Sentry coming back from that action and seeing Osborn's face is priceless and the terror there makes me want to see Sentry go heel permanently. What a force he would be in the Marvel U if he was bat shit crazy evil. C-
Madman Atomic Comics #15 - As usual I really enjoy Allred's art. The vintage wackiness of it is so unique and fun that it just always stands out to me. It makes me really want to see some more X-Statix! The story isn't always on par with his art I feel though. This issue was a point in case of that. While it was fun it was also nothing spectacular. The Bowie style cover is pretty cool as well. C
Guardians of the Galaxy #13 - I am really tired of the briefing panels. It was a neat idea at first but it has been drained of all enjoyability. Was hoping to see more of the Starjammers but I can forgive that. When the teams split up all I could think was how awesome this title would be if it revolved around the Rocket Raccoon led team. That is an off the meds kinda team I would love to read about. Otherwise this really wasn't all that noteworthy. D+
Uncanny X-Men #509 - Alright so i'm not going to lie. As much as I am not a fan of Greg Land's interior art on this title he does put together a nice cover. The split Psylocke cover is pretty that is for sure. Now on the inside I lose all interest. Not interested in Psylocke in her original body. Not interested in the overly cheesy art that results in every fucking person smiling. Not even a variety of smiles. They all have big toothy white smiles. Lame-O. Also the writing seems kinda comical and as if fraction is playing up to the cheese ball fluff art. Not a fan of this at all. F
Legion of 3 Worlds #4 - Geoff Johns is awesome. George Perez is awesome. Put them together you get awesome right? Unfortunately not the case. While not terrible it isn't what I would hope for from two top tier creators. This issue wins me over though. The return of Bart Allen was a huge to everyone who hadn't already read Flash: Rebirth. Wait what was that? Most people read that? Oh yeah that's right. Nice one fucking that surprise DC. There is another surprise return that more than makes up for it for me. One of my favorite characters returns here and it really was a surprise. Who returned? Let me list some of my favorite dead characters Maggott, Superboy, Bruce Wayne and Hawkman (who may or may not have even been dead in the first place based on DC revisionist theory). I'll let you guess which one came back in this issue. C