Comics For This Week...
Posted by BB in Avengers, JLA, Spider-Man, X-Men
So here are the books on my to get list this week. Some will end up in my pull box while some from previous weeks will probably come out of the box but this is my list of what I feel is worth picking up from this weeks releases.
Coming Home No Questions Asked:
Justice League of America #31 - Probably my last for this title for a bit though. Seems like the big three will be leaving the team and a few of the Milestone characters will be coming over which I could care less about. Unless this issue is absolutely killer that will be the end for this one. It's the only reason it comes home this week.
Amazing Spider-Man #589 - Digging the new Spider-Man stuff still. Not sure why MJ couldn't have been left as his wife but still loving the stories.
Captain America #48 - So far the weakest arc of Brubaker's run but still good stuff. This is consistently one of my favorite titles. Love me some Bucky Cap.
Immortal Iron Fist #24 - Another Iron Fist already? Awesome! This one always come home when it releases. Great title that is well worth the money.
Mighty Avengers #23 - This one is like JLA not really digging it and may be the last one unless this issue proves me wrong and hooks me. Coming home tomorrow just to find out.
Ms. Marvel #37 - Love the title. Brian Reed usually never disappoints. Interested having said that to see how this title is with a new lady in the Ms. Marvel uniform.
New Avengers #51 - Can't wait to see who the new Sorcerer Supreme is! This is a consistently out of this park hit with me. No complaints at all.
Skaar: Son of Hulk #9 - Great title that keeps me coming back. Love the art especially. The muted colors and the perfect fantasy vibe with a hulk is a great mix. Feel like Planet Hulk never ended when I read this.
Messiah War Prologue: Can't wait for this one! Loved Messiah Complex and this is the second part of the Messiah trilogy. Hopefully we will see some real progress with the stories of Cable, Hope and especially Bishop.
X-Infernus #4 - This has been a fun mini and I am interested to see how they close this one out. Hoping for no casualties from the New X-Men class.
X-Men: Kingbreaker #4 - Going to miss this one. The art has been fantastic. The writing has been great. I really love the X-Men infused Starjammers and hope they stick around in some capacity.
X-Men: Sword of Braddocks - As has been pointed out in a previous post I am looking forward to this. I am a fan of Psylocke and can't wait till she comes back to the 616 proper. While I love Claremont I am excited this is his last story with her for awhile.
X-Men: Bishop Mini #2 - Enjoying seeing the future from Bishop's POV. Interested to see what has brought him to the point we are at in the Messiah trilogy. Bishop is one of my favorite X-Men so I hope he comes out better than he is going into this one. I wanna be able to break out the Bishop Was Right shirts.
Going in The Box:
Wonder Woman #30 - Gotta get the last one from the box before I get this one. Another title I will probably be dropping. Just waiting till the end of this long arc. The whole Genocide thing has been just plain flat for me.
Umbrella Academy #5 - Gotta get the previous one from the box. This is a fun title it just unfortunately gets shifted to the box because of all the other things out this week.
Fantastic Four #585 - Just waiting for the new team to come on board. Not my favorite run on this title.
Guardians of the Galaxy #12 - Another one I enjoy but gets shifted to the box because of all the other stuff out this box or that is currently in my box that needs to come out.
Nova #23 - Good title but gotta get the last one from my box. Wish it didn't have to go in but a big week means sacrifices.
Thunderbolts #130 - Gotta get the last one from my box. Fun title though. Love G.I. Ant-Man sleaze bag.
Not Sure Whether to Get or Not:
Dark Reign: Elektra #1 - Art looks cool. Character is fun. Just not sure if it is going to be worth the $3.99 price of admission. Better be something real spectacular.
So as anyone who comes to this blog can tell I am an X-Men fan. So a lot of X-Men this week. Also the trend continues with less and less DC titles every week. It is a real shame as I was on a huge DC kick after Infinite Crisis and 52. Looking forward to reading this weeks titles.