Marvel Sagas  

Posted by BB in

So I recently picked up a copy of New Mutants Saga from my LCS. I have all but 6 issues from the original New Mutants run and have a good deal of the X-Force stuff that followed. Despite that I still read through the Saga issue and found it to be, like all the other Sagas that Marvel puts out, a genius idea.

With the various Saga issues Marvel is doing something that no other publisher is doing. Granted some companies do recap books but nobody does these recap issues like Marvel. They are easy to follow, comprehensive and most of all they are totally fucking free!

Whether Marvel is trying to launch a new series staring existing characters or they are about to launch a major event they have been consistent in putting one of the Saga books out. They catch fans up on all relevant material so fans, new and old alike, can stay in the game. In an age where a large amount of continuity is perceived as a hindrance in drawing new fans Marvel has found a great way to say, "Hey! Look continuity ain't so scary! This is all you need to know!". I've even offered these up to my Wife knowing she could easily read these then get in on some of the stuff I read. (So far constantly declined. She fell off the comic scene after Y: The Last Man)

So I guess I just wanted to drop some props for Marvel. It seems the internet is used so much for abusing the creators and publishers when often times they are doing great things like this and don't get any respect for it at all. So I just wanted to say good job Marvel and thank you!

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