Short Reviews #2
Posted by BB in Avengers, Cable, Captain America, DC, Geoff Johns, Green Lantern, JSA, Marvel, Spider-Man, X-Men
Alright so it has been a little over a week and no update. I'm sorry and oh so ashamed of myself. Right, anyway...
So the way were going to do these reviews is to give the comics a rating based on a scale of 0 to 10. So pretty much the reviews will just get a DSM Rating of Crazy (DSM-RoC) from The Comic Book Asylum courtesy of Dr. Burpee.
X-Men/Spider-Man #4 - This was a great mini. I really enjoyed it and hope there is some follow up as it pertains to the big bad reveal. Really not a fan of the Xravin name though. Kinda weak if you ask me. Overall though between art and words this was a mini that was worth the money I spent on it. That is a rare thing lately it seems.
DSM-RoC of 45
Secret Warriors #2 - Liking this series. The big reveal from the first issue was neat but I wanna see how they play it before I pass full judgment yay or nay. This second issue had some neat features such as a seeming look at the future for the characters with the vision that one of the group is bound to eat some dirt. The return at the end was a welcome return but nothing to Earth shattering and no where near as twisty as the end of the first issue.
DSM-RoC of 9
War of Kings #1 - Dug the art dug the story. Bit disappointed at the lack of plot twists in this one. Past cosmic events (Annihilation and Annihilation 2) had a decent twist that set the tone for the series. Not much in that way here. Lots of great characters though and I love seeing some Gladiator commentary.
DSM-RoC of 12
Cable #12 - So Hope saves Cable and we finally get some insight into her inner workings. It's nice to see some fleshing out of this character as so far we know next to nothing. The art switch in here was odd and probably didn't need to occur. It did though so who cares I suppose. Really stoked for the next issue and the Messiah War crossover.
DSM-RoC of 8
New Avengers: The Reunion #1 - Not much changes here in this issue. A nice conversation between Bucky and Clint was probably the highlight of the issue to me. Overall not much to say about this issue as it really wasn't that great.
DSM-RoC of 4
JSA #24 - Awesomeness to the extreme. Love it. Love it. Love it. Billy with Courtney was great. enjoyed seeing the two interact on a heart to heart level. Really like the refresher on Billy and his parents history with Black Adam. Jerry Ordway's art was stellar too. The Origins and Omen backup feature was, like most of them have been, a great addition and got my interest piqued for what is coming in the series post Geoff Johns. Just when I wasn't sure about keeping on they bring me back into the fold solidly.
DSM-RoC of 60
Ultimate Spider-Man #131 - So Jonah has a change of heart on Spidey, Aunt May meets alter gender Peter, Dr. Strange's joint blows up spewing demons and other magic, and Hulk listens to Peter. Good issue with plenty of crazy.
DSM-RoC of 45
Ms. Marvel #36 - Wasn't too enthralled by this issue.
DSM-RoC of 3
Legion of Superheroes #50 - What was this about? Not what I was hoping for at all. Clearly slapped together. Amazingly though there was no price increase for this final/anniversary issue. What a mess
DSM-RoC of -30
Guardians of The Galaxy # 10 - Solid issue with plenty of action. Brad Walker's art fits nicely with the crowded action scenes as he has an eye for detail. You can view the crowded action scenes and still make out what Abnett and Lanning are trying to convey. Not quite Perez level here but solid. What the hell is in that cocoon?
DSm-RoC of 8
Captain America #47 - Brubaker and Captain America/Bucky equals great f'in comic. Can't complain here as Brubaker's iconic run on Cap pushes on. Natasha finding his suit should make for some fun later but for now I'm more interested to see what happens with Namor, Bucky, and Toro as the reunion of the Invaders continues to be one that isn't so much fun for them as it is for fans.
DSM-RoC of 73
Green Lantern #38 - OK so this issue was awesome. There is a but though. They really wrapped up the arc abruptly. I would have liked to have seen this stretched out a little longer. Loving the Blue Lanterns of Hope. The twist of needing a Green Lantern around to provide Willpower for them to be effective only made the Blue Lanterns more interesting. An interesting twist on the Lantern Corps and how they all interact. You have the Green Lanterns who had the weakness to Yellow and now you have Blue which is the opposite and requires the Green. Johns is really knocking this out of the park. The Origins and Omens backup hints at some things that if they are what they seem, which I am sure they will not be, then we are in for a fun ride with some potential casualties. Looking forward to it.
DSM-RoC of 200
Ratings are well thought out and are based upon writing, art, and other various factors.