Watchmen Reviews
Posted by BB in Alan Moore, Movie, Reviews, Watchmen
Alright so I saw both the live action movie this weekend as well as the motion comic version. I'll start by reviewing the motion comic and then get to the main even the live action movie.
So the motion comic was pretty damn cool. It obviously was a very literal translation which is always nice. The motion comic was comprised of twelve chapters obviously one for each issue of the graphic novel. I really liked how they added effects or animated the panel itself so that it was kind of like a stop animation comic panel. Haven't seen many motion comics as I always thought it a stupid idea but this was a neat experience. I would be interested in checking out other ones now.
The only complaint I had was the voice acting. While most of it was alright I really was thrown off when it came to the women. This was all voice acted by a man and so to hear a man voice acting a female when it is quite obvious it was man was strange. This was especially true of conversations between Laurie and Dan. Talk about some awkward shit.
Overall though I would say this was a strong showing and I highly recommend it to those who enjoy these types of things or are just a fan of the Watchmen novel.
Now the main event. The long awaited and anticipated movie itself. This movie was long let me just start by saying that. This is not a complaint just a fact. The movie weighed in at a heavyweight time of about 2hrs and 40mins. It could have been longer honestly but I know most people would not go for that sort of thing so I can understand them not doing it.
I think the best way to go about reviewing this is the way I saw it described earlier today. It is kind of like the Lord of The Rings trilogy brought to film. There was stuff shifted around and some things cut all together. Overall though I would say the important stuff is in there and it is very true to the Watchmen as it was originally. Having said that though I wish they would have left some key character points in. The movie left out both Rorschach explaining how he came about the material for his mask and the first time he put it on as well as Hollis' death. Both of these things were disappointing to me.
I really liked a lot more of this movie then I disliked. One thing that seemed to throw the movie off for me was the music selection throughout the movie. While I understand its use as it relates to what the movie is trying to say I think some of the placements of the songs were just terrible. Mainly the use of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" during the sex scene in Archie between Dan and Laurie. That was just cheesy. Luckily the scene made up for it. ;) I think the music would not have been such an issue if the movie's trailers hadn't used such modern songs by rock bands like Smashing Pumpkins. The Smashing Pumpkins song set such a great tone to the trailer that when I got in and didn't get that kind of music it was a little unsettling and jarred me out of the experience for a bit. I got over it though.
To the point, I really enjoyed the movie and will be seeing it again without a doubt. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who complains about movies based on comics not sticking to the source material. This movie will not disappoint any of those people besides the Alan Moore purists. Those guys and gals can go back to hangin in the woods and practicing magic with Mr. Moore. So go see it!