Insane Afterthoughts #3
Posted by BB in Insane Afterthoughts
Alright, here are some quick reviews and thoughts on titles that I have picked up recently. Feel free to agree or disagree by clicking on the rant button below. Or just ignore it as I would and just msg me on Twitter or some such nonsense.
Cable #14 - So far this crossover sucks. The only thing it has done consistently so far is let me down every issue. This had some serious potential but instead of enjoying it all I can think as I am reading them is, "How many issues is this x-over?", that is never a good sign. The art is ok and so is the writing bu the whole concept just seems to much in too little. Returning Stryfe and Apocalypse would have been awesome had there been some buildup but here wasn't. Interested to see how this ends and that is about it. Anyone know how many issues this is supposed to be? Seriously, I have no clue. C
Amazing Spider-Man #593 - Enjoyable issue but nothing amazing. Man I am really bad about shying away from the obvious puns aren't I? This issue deals with a multitude of things one of which is Peter having o now live with he fact that he has seen J. Jonah Jameson Sr. knocking the dust off Aunt May's whoohoo. Seriously, it's disturbing. Maybe even too much for the Asylum. Good read though. B
War of Kings #3 - Another ok issue but nothing blockbuster. This might be the beginning of the end of the cosmic crossovers. It just isn't hitting the marks like it's predecessors did. Not even close. It does have a really cool moment with Gladiator though. C-
Flash: Rebirth #2 - WTF is with that last page?! Really? I seriously think that it's a swerve but if it isn't this has turned into a huge let down. It's Geoff Johns though and I will give that man all the credit and belief in the world. If he says he knows what he's doing i'll follow. Art is very pretty in this baby. C-
Exiles #2 - Maggott returns! Yes, you read that right! It's a small part but he's there for a few pages. I am a huge Maggott fan and feel he would be an awesome character if given to the right team but I know I am in the minority on that one. Even more reason I enjoyed his use here. This issue guaranteed I will stick around through the entire series. Thanks Jeff Parker for using him. Even more importantly though thanks goes to Asst. Editor Jordan D. White who Jeff Parker told me on Twitter was the man who suggested Maggott's use. Also it was a fun issue. ;) A+++