Title of the Month: April  

Posted by BB in

So it's that time again to declare one title better than the rest. One title that for whatever the reason may be, I felt, provided me with my moneys full worth. So criteria for this is just pure and simply that I enjoyed the shit out of it for whatever reason. So awaaaaaaay we go!

This month I choose Ghost Rider #34. In a surprise upset over Green Lantern #40 I chose this title. While Green Lantern was a great book with writing and art that were well worth the money paid for admission it just wasn't as good as Ghost Rider was. Green Lantern is in the middle of an epic run that is leading into Blackest Night and as amazing as it is it is a piece of a larger story and isn't a surprise issue or a key issue. So when it comes down to issue to issue comparison Ghost Rider wins.

Why does Ghost Rider #34 win? Why is it better than all the rest? Well the art for starters on this book is amazing. From pencils to coloring it is done with the volume turned to 10. One of my problems with GL #40 is that the pencils looked superb but once the coloring and inking were thrown in I felt it lost a lot in translation. Ghost Rider didn't suffer from this at all. The art was such an asset that it was able to tell the story without words in some places for pages.

The writing here was also hard to match. As I stated earlier in the Write Stuff feature Jason Aaron mastered the dark comedy aspect of writing in this issue. The gruesome trucker was so perfectly offset with the humor he provided that it seemed so easy. It isn't though and many B horror movies can attest to this statement. Aaron routinely provides this type of writing but in this issue in particular he nails down the one and done dark humor. If he could bottle this and sell it...wait he did and it's called Ghost Rider #34.

It's really sad that this title will be wrapping up in an upcoming miniseries and then going on hiatus. At least that is what Joe Q had to say in the last Joe Friday's at myspace.com. Hopefully when and if it returns Aaron will be asked to come back and work some more of his magic on the character and mythos. Until then this is the title of the month for April.

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